Home with gray roof shingles

Materiales para techos residenciales

Un sistema de techo es mucho más que tejas. Descubre cómo los componentes trabajan en conjunto para evitar la humedad, mantener bajos los costos de electricidad y hacer que tu casa se vea genial.

Productos para techos residenciales

Shingles category image

Techos de teja

Estilos, colores, configuraciones y precios diseñados para tus necesidades.
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Shaded image of a GAF roofer installing GAF leak barrier on a residential roof

Barreras contra goteras

Proporciona una excepcional protección contra las goteras causadas por el asentamiento del techo y el clima extremo. Es una mejora ideal para todas las áreas vulnerables.
Ver las barreras contra goteras
Shaded image of a GAF roofer installing GAF hip and ridge cap shingles to a residential roof

Tejas de caballete y limatesa 

Realza la belleza de tu hogar mientras protege tus techos de goteras en las limas y los caballetes.
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Shaded image of a GAF roofer installing a GAF roof deck protection underlayment sheet

Protección para cubierta de techo

Evita la acumulación de humedad en tu ático mientras sirve como una capa protectora excepcionalmente resistente a las lluvias torrenciales.
Ver la protección para cubierta de techo
Shaded image of a roofer with white gloves installing GAF roofer strip shingles to prevent shingle blow-off

Tejas de tira inicial

Ahorra tiempo, elimina las pérdidas y disminuye el riesgo de voladuras... e incluso puede ayudar a calificar para una mejor cobertura de la garantía contra vientos.
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Shaded images of a roll of Cobra Ridge Runner exhaust vent for roof

Ventilación y respiraderos para áticos

Ayuda a eliminar el exceso de calor y humedad del ático, el cual puede aumentar las facturas de energía y causar el descascarado prematuro de la pintura interior y del empapelado.
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Shingle Match Category Image

Rollos para techos residenciales

El techado con rollos residencial es ideal para usar en techos con pendiente baja sobre porches, garajes, cocheras y cobertizos.
Ver techado con rollos
Shaded image of a GAF roofer’s gloved hands using a hammer and nail to install Master Flow pivot pipe boot flashing to a residential roof

Accesorios para el techo

Accesorios especiales para techos diseñados para mejorar el rendimiento de tu sistema de techos residenciales, manteniéndolo seco, fuerte y con el mejor aspecto.
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Beauty shot of gray home with UHDZ Pewter Gray shingles.

Belleza y dimensión sin igual

Las NUEVAS tejas Timberline® UHDZ™ ofrecen una combinación de belleza y beneficios que va más allá de cualquier teja de GAF que hayas probado anteriormente. Las tejas Timberline® UHDZ™ ofrecen líneas de sombra ultradimensionales y nuestra mejor garantía de protección contra algas.
GAF StainGuard and StainGuard Plus Warranty Diamonds

Protección contra las algas desde el alero hasta el caballete

Los clientes ahora podrán recibir los beneficios de la tecnología de liberación prolongada para combatir las algas de GAF y las garantías limitadas de 25 y 30 años para la protección contra la decoloración por algas verdeazuladas en productos GAF elegibles1.
1La garantía limitada de protección contra las algas StainGuard Plus™ de 1 años contra la decoloración por algas verdeazuladas está disponible solo en productos vendidos en paquetes que lleven el logo StainGuard Plus™. Consulta la garantía limitada de tejas y accesorios GAF para conocer la cobertura completa y las restricciones, así como los productos elegibles.

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Roofer using a nail gun to secure new GAF shingles on a pitched roof
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Las tejas #1 en ventas en Estados Unidos mejoraron aún más

Precio excelente
Apariencia dimensional
Máximo desempeño 
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Layers of a residential roof system

¿Qué hay en un techo?

Ve todo lo que hay en el techo sobre tu cabeza. Alerta de spoiler: es mucho más que tejas. El Sistema de techo de por vida de GAF. Protección duradera. Belleza perdurable.
GAF lifetime warranty and GAF system plus warranty

Obtén protección automática de por vida para todo tu sistema de techo GAF

Al instalar cualquiera de las tejas de por vida de GAF y al menos 3 accesorios GAF elegibles, obtendrás una garantía limitada de por vida para tus tejas y todos los accesorios de GAF elegibles*.
*El término "de por vida" se refiere a la duración de la cobertura de la garantía provista y significa por el tiempo que el dueño original de la vivienda unifamiliar independiente (o el segundo dueño elegible) sea el propietario del lugar donde se instalaron los productos de GAF que califican. Para los demás dueños/estructuras, la cobertura de por vida no corresponde. La cobertura de por vida en tejas requiere el uso de tejas de por vida de GAF únicamente. La cobertura de por vida en tejas y accesorios requiere el uso de cualquier teja de por vida de GAF y de cualquiera de los 3 accesorios de GAF elegibles.  Consulta la garantía limitada de GAF para el sistema de techo para ver todos los detalles de la cobertura y las restricciones. Visita gaf.com/LRS para ver los productos elegibles de GAF. Para ver las instalaciones no elegibles para la garantía limitada de GAF para el sistema de techo, consulta la sección Garantía limitada para tejas y accesorios de GAF.
Thumbnail image of GAF's residential roofing guide PDF over a white background

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Image showing a snapshot of roof installation video guide playing on a smartphone

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Nuestros videos de instalación de productos para techos residenciales están disponibles cuando más los necesitas, desde donde estés.

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Roofer climbing a ladder leaning against the roof of a house.
Techos residenciales

What Are Ladder Hooks?

As a roofing contractor, keeping yourself and your employees safe is crucial, which involves using the right equipment. Ladder hooks, sometimes referred to as roof hooks, are used to secure a ladder over the top of a roof's ridgeline. They're an essential piece of safety equipment for steep-slope roofing work.How Do Ladder Hooks Work?These hooks resemble a shepherd's crook that hooks over the roof's ridgeline and stays put with an attached T-bar to secure it to the other side of the ridge. The bottom of the crook has a smaller hook that holds the ladder and prevents it from slipping or sliding down the roof. Ladder hooks are typically made from heavy-duty steel and can support several hundred pounds. They essentially turn the ladder into a more stable set of stairs, creating a safer and more efficient work environment for roofing professionals, especially during steep-slope work.Most hooks also feature a rubber wheel that can help you get the ladder safely up onto the roof. Once you secure the hook on the rungs of the ladder, roll the ladder up the slope (on its back). When it passes the roof ridgeline, flip the ladder over to secure the hooks over the top of the ridgeline.Why Should You Use a Ladder Hook?According to the American Ladder Institute, 500,000 people are treated for injuries from using ladders every year, with 300 of those injuries leading to fatalities. With newer home styles featuring more dramatic rooflines with steep pitches, you may find yourself facing 10:12, 12:12, and higher pitches more regularly. Ladder hooks can help make working on these roofs safer.They can provide stability and security on lower-pitched roofs, too. You may also want to use them for performing repairs around skylights or chimneys, especially if the roof surface is icy or slippery. And they can provide secure footing in cases of suspected damage, such as a weak or rotting deck.These safety devices are designed to prevent the ladder from damaging shingles, so there's no downside to using them.Can a Ladder Hook Replace Other Safety Measures?Using a ladder hook can make you feel more secure and stable on a steep pitch. But you shouldn't forego other safety measures, such as using a personal fall arrest system consisting of lifelines, lanyards, and deceleration devices attached to an anchor point and connected to the body harness. Remember, the anchorage should be able to support 5,000 pounds per employee. Ladder hooks are designed to secure the ladder to the rooftop-not to secure a person or prevent them from falling.How Do You Choose the Right Ladder Hook?To find the right ladder hook, contact your ladder's manufacturer to see if it has a hook designed to work with its ladders. If it doesn't offer any, review the ladder hook manufacturer's guidelines to see what types of ladders are best suited for its hook. If your ladders are due for replacement, you can also look for manufacturers that offer kits with both the ladder and the hook.For more learning opportunities and resources to help you succeed in your roofing business, visit the GAF Center for the Advancement of Roofing Excellence (CARE).

By Authors Karen L Edwards

18 de marzo de 2024

Contractor installing a residential roof
Techos residenciales

When Is the Best Time to Replace a Roof?

If every day was sunny, mild, and a pleasant 75 degrees, there'd be little reason to wonder about the best time to replace a roof. Of course, not everyone lives in areas with ideal weather conditions, as climates vary greatly across the country.So if a client ever asks, "When is the best time to replace a roof?" your answer will likely vary based on where they live and what each season is like. However, you can share some general pointers in response. Here's what to consider for each season to help answer the question, "when is the best time to replace a roof?"SpringSpringtime is traditionally recognized as the kickoff of roofing season, as outside temperatures begin to warm and activity increases. Thanks to melting ice and snow, it's also the time of year that homeowners may want to have their roofs checked out for damage.While spring offers outdoor temperatures that are more friendly for workers, the season also typically comes with an increased chance of severe thunderstorms (and potentially tornados, depending on the region). Spring is usually a good time to schedule a roof replacement if you just monitor the weather forecast for major events to help reduce the chance of delays.SummerWith spring showers in the rearview, most areas of the country see longer stretches of nice weather during summertime, which lends itself well to working outside. Accordingly, summer tends to be the most ideal time for installing a new roof.But with potentially hot days, when is the best time to replace a roof in the summer? Workers will need to start as early in the day as possible because temperatures are usually cooler in the morning. Depending on the forecast temperatures, the job may need to be spread over a few days, so most of the work can be done in the morning hours before it gets too hot. It's also wise to remind customers that workers will need to have breaks in the shade and access to water to stay hydrated.FallThe autumn months can be an equally good time for a roof replacement as summer, as the hot and hazy days have passed, and severe weather isn't as common. The only exception to this is if you're working in an area prone to hurricanes. Hurricane season runs through the end of November and can cause project delays.In addition to the favorable weather, fall is a popular season for roof replacement because many property owners want to fortify their homes and buildings with a new roof before the winter months.WinterIn some areas of the country, it may be possible to continue roofing installations year-round, including during the winter. In southern regions, for example, roofing replacements can often be completed in the winter, as there's less chance of inclement weather. Temperatures may drop, but not as drastically as in areas that see ice and snow more regularly. Of course, it's still important to reference the relevant local forecast when scheduling upcoming work.Sustained stretches of very cold weather does not constitute suitable weather for the installation of asphalt shingles. All self-sealing shingles must be exposed to warm, sunny conditions for several days before they completely seal. Before sealing occurs, shingles are vulnerable to blow-offs and wind damage. Shingles installed in fall or winter may not seal until the following spring. Shingles that are not exposed to direct sunlight, adequate surface temperatures, or that are not fastened or installed properly may never seal. Failures to seal, blow-offs, and wind damage under these circumstances result from the nature of self-sealing shingles, and are not covered under most manufacturer's warranties. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper installation. While most provide guidance about cold weather installations, it will ultimately be up to you to exercise discretion about when to move forward with an installation vs. postponing the work until more favorable weather conditions are present.Other Factors That May Affect Project TimingWhile weather is likely the leading factor that can disrupt scheduled roofing work, if you want to best answer your client's question of "when is the best time to replace a roof?" you'll need to take other factors into account when setting timeline expectations for property owners. One such consideration is the lead time needed for materials. If your customer chooses an uncommon color or a specialty product, it may take longer for materials to arrive.Another factor to weigh is your own backlog. If your production calendar is booked weeks out, clearly communicate the timing to your customers with the knowledge that weather events could impact the schedule. Regularly communicating with customers and setting accurate expectations are key to a positive experience.Looking to learn more roofing best practices and further expand your knowledge base? Check out GAF's CARE Contractor Training Center to help build your skill set and receive valuable training.

By Authors Karen L Edwards

12 de febrero de 2024

Storm damaged roof on house with a protective blue plastic tarp spread over hole in the shingles and
Techos residenciales

Cómo una garantía limitada WindProven™ puede beneficiar a los propietarios de las áreas propensas a los huracanes.

If you operate in a hurricane-prone area, or a location that experiences severe, windy weather, you can provide homeowners with valuable peace of mind by informing them about the WindProven™ Limited Wind Warranty offered by GAF.1What Does the WindProven™ Limited Wind Warranty Entail?As a result of years of innovation and testing, GAF has the confidence to offer an industry-first wind warranty with no maximum wind speed limitation on Timberline® Shingles with LayerLock® Technology when the shingles are installed with the required combination of four qualifying GAF accessory products.1 The patented LayerLock® Technology on Timberline® Shingles mechanically fastens together the two layers of a Timberline® Shingle during manufacturing for strength. In addition, the StrikeZone® nailing area (which is the widest in the industry) is covered with microgranules that allow the GAF Dura Grip™ sealant to create a strong asphalt-to-asphalt bond. Because of their unique construction, only four nails are typically required to secure these shingles, unless otherwise required by local codes. The system is completed by installing the required combination of four qualifying accessories-GAF Starter Strips, Roof Deck Protection, Ridge Cap Shingles, and Leak Barrier or Attic Ventilation.1Is There a Cost for This Protection?When installed with the required combination of four qualifying GAF accessory products, Timberline® Shingles with LayerLock® Technology qualify for coverage under the WindProven™ Limited Wind Warranty1 (this coverage applies to the shingles only and not the whole system). The warranty cannot be purchased.How to Submit a Warranty ClaimShould a homeowner experience an issue with blown-off shingles, GAF makes it easy to submit a claim. The homeowner can start the process online and monitor the claim's status. Once a claim is opened, the owner will be notified about additional information required to process it-such as photos, installation documentation, and shingle samples. If you find yourself in this situation, your customer may call you for assistance or repairs. Keep in mind that the homeowner has nine months to gather the information required for claim processing. If repairs are needed before the claim is fully processed-because of leaks, for example-be sure to provide notice to GAF and preserve evidence of the original damage to support the claim under the warranty.Helping Property Owners Reduce RiskPeople living in hurricane-prone or other windy areas can benefit from the industry's first limited wind warranty with no maximum wind speed limitation.1Explain to your customers that if they install Timberline® Shingles with LayerLock® Technology and the required combination of four qualifying GAF accessory products, their LayerLock®-labeled Timberline® Shingles qualify for the WindProven Limited Wind Warranty.1 Your customers will know that they are protected, no matter how fast the wind blows.Wind isn't just an issue for hurricane-prone areas, of course. It can be a major component of spring and summer storms, which are often accompanied by wind-driven rain. So, no matter where you work, it's important to educate your customers and offer the protection they need.Interested to learn more and help your customers better protect their homes from severe weather? Request a Wind Warranty Selling Kit from GAF today!115-year WindProven™ Limited Wind Warranty covers GAF Shingles with LayerLock® Technology only and requires the use of GAF Starter Strips, Roof Deck Protection, Ridge Cap Shingles, and Leak Barrier or Attic Ventilation. Consulta la garantía limitada de GAF para el sistema de techo para ver todos los detalles de la cobertura y las restricciones. Visita gaf.com/LRS para ver los productos elegibles de GAF. En el caso de instalaciones no elegibles para la garantía limitada contra viento WindProven, consulta la garantía limitada de tejas y accesorios de GAF para conocer la cobertura completa y las restricciones.

By Authors Karen L Edwards

August 29, 2023

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